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Modelo vira sucesso em sites e revistas 11 "Robyn totalmente encarna o que uma mulher de verdade, e nossos leitores adoram ento eu tive que fotografala para o nosso editorial especial de moda praia.E que editorial, ela simplesmente exala sexualidade e de fato home a menina cosmo", conta Nicole Adolphe, diretora de moda da Cosmopolitan australiana. "Sou uma ralph lauren uk gourmet confessa.Moro em nova york e sou um modelo.Cozinhar e comer o melhor presente na vida e quero compartilhar esse dom", revela a Robyn, que recentemente assinou contrato com a grife Ralph Lauren, se tornando a primeira modelo 'plussize' da marca;Engordando cada vez mais a conta bancria!Quando questionada sobre seu atual peso, a modelo categrica ao dizer que isso no importa"Desisti de me importar com o que as pessoas pensam", diz. "Eu amo a minha forma, amo o meu corpo.J percorri um longo caminho", completa a bela, que ainda revelou ter uma estrutura ssea grande. "Eu era aconselhada a perder peso e a me exercitar o tempo todo.Tive uma enorme presso para fazer dieta.E para o meu corpo, isso era uma grande batalha, porque sou muito alta e tenho uma extrutura ssea bem grande. Apesar do fato de que 50% das mulheres usam um tamanho 42 ou maior, a maioria dos designers s criam roupas at o tamanho 42 ou menor, e lawlely espera ser a catalisadora para mudar isso. "Eu realmente quero que as empresas tomem conhecimento e comecem a ser mais realistas sobre o que seu cliente realmente.Espero que possa continuar a quebrar essas barreiras".Hom

Model's incredible shrinking waist In the disturbing image for the fashion firm's blue label range and used in magazines, filippa hamilton's head actually appears to be wider than her waist. Last night, ralph lauren admitted it was responsible for producing"A very distorted image of a woman's body". The image of the 23yearold swedishfrench model attracted widespread revulsion when it was reproduced on an internet blog with the caption: "Dude, her head's bigger than her pelvis. " A ralph lauren spokesman said: "For more than 42 years we have built a brand based on quality and integrity. "After further investigation, we (More Here) have learned that we are responsible for the poor imaging and retouching that resulted in a very distorted image of a woman's body. "We have addressed the problem and will take every precaution to ensure the calibre of artwork represents our brand appropriately. " Adelaide modelling agent tanya powell said she was horrified at the notion of doctoring photos ralph lauren sale uk to make models look superthin. "I am dead against super skinny models as it does influence young people,"She said. "I would hate girls to look at this photo and believe this is the way that they would have to look. " Ms powell said use of waifish models was often a publicity stunt. Georgie of adelaide posted at 2:36 PM October 27, 2009 Luke of perth, i am not entirely sure of the point you are trying to make?I am going to toake a stab and surmise that you think"Fat chicks"Are jealous and don want to see any slim models?Well as a"Fat chick"Myself i can tell you i am not jealous of natural beauties such as the model involved in her natural state in the picture on the right.In fact i think she looks divine and would happily read fashion magazines with models that look like that.I do not however wish to be duped with obscene images such as the photo shopped ralph lauren one and i most certainly do not want my young daughter growing up believing that is the norm.

Mo tener el estilo de audrey hepburn Cuando la gente piensa en audrey hepburn, actriz y embajadora de la buena voluntad de la unicef, piensa en gracia, clase, elegancia y estilo.Audrey saba lo que le quedaba mejor en cuanto a moda y, como su hijo sean hepburn ferrer explic alguna vez, el estilo de su madre fue"La extensin de una belleza interior reforzada por una vida de disciplina, respeto al prjimo y esperanza en la humanidad". Para muchas mujeres, reflejar el estilo de la actriz sigue siendo la cumbre de la gracia atemporal y la elegancia.Si deseas brindarle a tu guardarropa y a tu sentido de la moda un toque de audrey hepburn, aqu tenemos algunas sugerencias. Encuentra lo que te vaya mejor(Recuerda que"De la moda, lo que te acomoda").Desde muy temprana edad audrey estuvo consciente de lo que se le vea mejor y permaneci fiel a su propio estilo durante toda su vida, y hasta discuta educadamente, pero con terquedad, con los que creyeron conveniente proponerle otra cosa.Ella tena un ojo clnico para verse a s misma, identificando sus puntos fuertes y sus puntos dbiles.No tena miedo en saber lo que no iba con ella, as como en saber lo que s le funcionaba.As que es bueno para ti encontrar tus defectos, porque todos los tenemos.Pero, tambin, encuentra al menos una zona de tu cuerpo que realmente quisieras acentuar, algo que te guste mucho.En el caso de audrey, fue su cintura de 55 centmetros.Ella usaba prendas de vestir ajustada a su cintura con el objetivo de presumirla, y justamente eso es lo que debes hacer con lo que ms te guste de tu cuerpo:Resaltarlo. Mira algunas pelculas de audrey para que te des una idea de su elegancia y su estilo.Su pelcula ms destacada es"Breakfast at tiffany's"En la que podrs admirar muchos looks elegantes de la actriz.Otros filmes que te recomendamos son sabrina, paris when it sizzles, funny face, charade and roman holiday.Tambin puedes leer alguno de los muchos libros dedicados a analizar y mostrar el estilo de audrey.Muchos de estos libros te pueden dar una buena idea de los tipos de prendas que ella usaba, su estilo en general, y cmo usaba los accesorios. Otra buena forma de percibir el estilo de la actriz:Enfcate en su filosofa de vida.Lee biografas sobre audrey y sus frases ms clebres.Ella confiaba, ms que nada, en el poder del amor, y esto le brind una fuerza interior que la gui durante toda su vida e influy en sus looks. Mantente simple.A audrey no le gustaban las cosas complicadas, incluso en la moda, y pensaba que"Menos es ms".Ella dijo alguna vez: "Reduce todo a lo que ms importa:Cul es la esencia de lo que ests tratando de hacer?Qu es lo ms importante?Las cosas se complican slo cuando tratas de manejar demasiadas cosas al mismo tiempo".Su alianza y amistad con givenchy fue un reflejo de su preferencia por la sencillez en la moda y, hasta nuestros das, la firma givenchy es conocida y reconocida por su elegancia, simplicidad y pureza.Siempre piensa en"Sencillez elegante"Cuando elijas tus prendas de vestir. Evita seguir las tendencias de la temporada.No hay razn para dejarse Influenciar por ellas cuando ests siguiendo tu propio estilo.Audrey no segua las ltimas tendencias e, Incluso, su sentido de atemporalidad surgi de creer en la calidad, ms que en cualquier otra cosa.Sean hepburn ferrer dijo que la razn por la que su madre ha permanecido como un icono es porque ella fue fiel a su look durante toda su vida(Una vez que encontr el ms Indicado), por lo cual, ya no tuvo necesidad de"ReInventarse".Aunque audrey amaba la moda, ella la us como una herramienta para complementar sus looks, en vez de ser usada por ella.As que, en tu caso, mantente fiel a los clsicos que ya sabes que te quedan bien, y ya despus, quizs, podras aadir a tu look un ligero toque de que est"In", simplemente aadiendo un broche o una paoleta que refleje el color de moda, pero hasta ah:Usa los cambios de estacin como un accesorio, no como una forma de ser una esclava de las tendencias.La excepcin a la regla:Cuando una tendencia coincida con tu estilo personal y se te vea muy bien.Excelente! Audrey evitaba las tendencias de moda.No slo le sacaba la vuelta a lo que estaba"In", tambin se distingui, en su tiempo, por ser nica.Al contrario de iconos como marilyn monroe y jayne mansfield, voluptuosas y rubias, audrey era delgada, triguea y definitivamente su busto no era llamativo.Su estrategia:Aprovechar al mximo sus puntos fuertes y acentuarlos! Pon atencin a tu peinado.Arrglalo.El look de audrey era, indiscutiblemente, bien cepillado y ordenado.Su amor por la sencillez se extendi hasta asegurarse de que su apariencia pareciera algo improvisada, aunque haya requerido horas de trabajo y dedicacin.Para un look simple pero efectivo, concntrate en cuidar de tu cabello y mantener tu corte con regularidad.For a simple but effective look, concentrate on caring well for your hair and getting it cut regularly.Elige un corte que te convenga(De acuerdo a tu rostro)Y revsalo a medida que pase el tiempo.Que no te d miedo usar un corte que no sea"De ltima", lo que cuenta es que se vea muy bien en ti. La primera impresin nunca se olvida.Una piel perfecta, unas uas bien cuidadas y un cabello bien peinado cobran vital importancia a la hora de ser vista por los dems. Verte bien te ayuda a sentirte bien.Vestirte bien, aunque sea para ir a comprar la despensa, puede darte una aire de seguridad en ti misma que te ayudar a interactuar bien con los dems. Cuida tu ropa.Adquiere prendas de buena calidad y mantenlas en buen estado, sigue las instrucciones de lavado que vienen en la etiqueta, plnchalas y almacnalas de la mejor manera posible. Audrey compraba zapatos media talla ms grande de la que necesitaba, para evitar deformarse o lastimarse los pies. ralph lauren t shirts El vestidito negro:Fue audrey quien nos lo dio a conocer, en los filmes sabrina y breakfast at tiffany's, mostrando su importancia duradera como un icono de la moda, hasta nuestros das. El vestidito negro:Fue audrey quien nos lo dio a conocer, en los filmes sabrina y breakfast at tiffany's, mostrando su importancia duradera como un icono de la moda, hasta nuestros das.Su vestidito negro de marca givenchy(De breakfast at tiffany's)Se vendi en cerca de medio milln de libras en el ao 2006.Ahora, como un elemento bsico en todos los guardarropas de mujer, es mejor usarlo de forma sencilla, pero con accesorios lindos. Toma en cuenta la ropa casual.Cuando la actriz pasaba tiempo con sus hijos, haca labores de jardinera o jugaba con sus mascotas, ella vesta de manera casual, pero hasta esos atuendos fueron definidos por su marca de elegancia y su confort. Audrey prefera usar jeans de mezlilla, pantalones, pantalones capri, pantalones de algodn de color khaki(Los llamados"Khakis")Que usar faldas.Para los jeans:Elige unos ajustados al cuerpo o con un corte suelto en la parte de abajo("Boot cut").Ella prefera la mezclilla oscura, clsica, porque se le vea muy bien, pero t puedes buscar el tono de mezclilla que te luzca mejor.Sobre los"Khakis":Audrey usaba unos de corte ajustado, que luce bien en casi todas, pero, de nuevo, asegrate de que es el mejor para ti. En cuanto a los zapatos:Las zapatillas de ballet, los tenis, o zapatos italianos para automovilismo(Ella prefera la marca ferragamo)Son perfectos.Stos vienen en muchos tonos y estampados, encuentra un par que sea verstil y que sea de tu agrado.Slo un aviso:Los zapatos ferragamo no son baratos!Pero lo ms importante es que recuerdes que debes elegir la calidad por encima de todo lo dems, y piensa siempre en el confort.Es mejor tener un par de zapatos resistentes que muchos pares incmodos y frgiles. Mejora tu postura.La postura es tan importante como la ropa y los accesorios:Mejoran tu apariencia.El entrenamiento de ballet que tuvo audrey le ense a no lucir descuidada y a mostrar gracia, hasta en momentos de descanso.Ella dijo: "Los bailarines hacemos muchas cosas tcnicas a partir de buenos hbitos.Cuando descansamos, nunca nos vemos descuidados".Y ella mantuvo esa gracia y feminidad en todos los aspectos de su vida.Adopta esa misma gracia y mantn una buena postura, as podrs lucir todos los looks exitosamente, sobre todo si lo acompaas con una actitud positiva. Ponte de pie y mantente derecha, esto mejorar tu imagen y la de tu ropa. Los diseadores de moda favoritos de audrey fueron givenchy y ralph lauren;La marca de zapatos que prefera era ferragamo y le encantaban las bolsas louis vuitton. Cuando busques ropa como la de la actriz, simplemente navega en internet y teclea en las pginas de subastas virtuales las palabras"Audrey hepburn", y luego haz click enLa seccin de ropapara mujer.Deja que los vendedores hagan el trabajo de ordenar y encontrar los artculos para ti, explora todas las prendas y si algo te gusta, cmpralo(Si piensas que es apropiado y que tiene buena calidad).La seccin de ropa"Vintage"Tambin puede ser til. Los colores favoritos de la actriz eran el blanco, el negro y el rosa, aunque raramente usaba este ltimo. No compres ropa de imitacin.A veces es mejor no tener algo caro que tener algo falso.Busca un artculo similar, y ms econmico.O hasta algo completamente distinto a lo que quieres.Muestra respeto al trabajo arduo y la creatividad del diseador original y a tu sentido del buen gusto. Mezcla lo caro y lo econmico.Si encuentras algo muy bueno por poco dinero, cmpralo!No temas combinarlo con con prendas ms costosas. Viste apropiadamente.No uses jeans de mezclilla y una camiseta para un evento de alfombra roja, pero tampoco te pongas un vestido elegante para comer con amigos, a menos que se hayan puesto de acuerdo en vestirse as, por alguna buena razn. Dicen que a la actriz le gustaba el perfume llamado"Joy", y Givenchy comision a Francis Fabron para elaborar el perfume"L'interdit"Para ella.De todas formas, independientemente del tipo de perfume que ella usaba, encuentra el perfume que combine mejor con tu estilo y tus necesidades.Incluso si no te gusta el perfume o no acostumbras usarlo, mantente simple! Como sucede con las sugerencias sobre estilo, elige lo que te funcione mejor.Tratar de imitar completamente el estilo de otra persona tiene el riesgo de perder tu propia identidad.Si los pantalones capri y las zapatillas de ballet no te hacen sentir bien, no pierdas el sueo por descartarlos de tu guardarropa. La delgadez extrema de audrey se debi a la mala nutricin que sufri durante la segunda guerra mundial, junto a la disciplina extrema que requera una ralphlaurenuksale bailarina.Su estilo no requiere que t seas extremadamente delgada, sino que destaques lo mejor de ti.

Miss thrifty golden mile of designer treasures My first stop is is oxfam vintage where i meet samantha mcgarry, the store manager.Samantha leads me directly to a back room.It is chaos. Bags upon more bags, boxes, more boxes, but as i begin to look closer my eyes begin to soften at the treasure trove in which i now stand. Quite simply, i am in dress heaven.A gorgeous red silk coast dress sits untidily next to a pair of yellow and black nike basketball trainers and just as i put down a slightly marked grey top hat, a vision of beauty comes to me in the form of a sleek, cream, merino wool skirt.I pick it up, run my hands over the fold and the hem, check the pleats and take look at the label.I've no idea exactly who lady laura is, but i'm sorry she no longer makes skirts. Recent donations to oxfam have included a vera wang wedding dress and six bags of catwalk fresh goodies from irish couturier richard lewis. I could see that for me at least, a day of charity chic was about to be a little more expensive than i had anticipated. Most of the shoppers here are as you'd find anywhere on any high street but as i look for something to team with my new skirt i come across vicki and ellen andrew, who are, even to an untrained eye, far from novices when it comes to charity chic. The first thing i notice is they don't rummage.Behind a stylish pair of square rimmed glasses, ellen's eyes do the work and her hands move decisively.Ellen andrew seems to know clothes, and neither she or her daughter vicki see charity shopping as being something furtive. "I buy selectively.Not everything is good but occasionally i'll come across something that really works.I bought a little black dress here a while ago, it cost me 5 and its been my best find.I've worn it over and over again. " I slowly work my way up camden street and onto the rathmines rd.I see bags by galliano, shoes by gucci, a ysl dress and a very ralphlaurenpoloshirts crisp blouse by ralph lauren.I have also seen film memorabilia in the shape of the exact jacket worn by colin meany in the film into the west and it occurs to me there's a lot more to this than i had first imagined.If you come with an open mind you might not find what you need, but you'll certainly find what you didn't know you needed. With limited numbers of volunteer staff in charity shops, many of the best items go into the window and are sold at fortnightly intervals.At the barnado's on lower rathmines rd, a recent donation of crystal drew such a crowd that the queue went all cheap ralph lauren the way past the doors of local rivals oxfam. My last stop of the day, the cancer research society store on lower rathmines rd, is a paradise for bargain hunters.My eyes light up at the sight of a six foot high treasure chest of vintage clothing and retro items. Recently, a louis vuitton bag was handed in by one wellheeled benefactor.Stock also comes directly from boutiques and high street brands like urban outfitters.

Milan takes action through bilboards Review of the regulation of cosmetic interventions:Will they do enough? !Eating:Encouraging intuition not obsession pregnancy:A message for motherstobe doctors and diet clubs are dangerous bedfellows smaller than before:The politics of postpartum bodies who is the fairest, fittest, fattest, most flawless?An awareness of negative messages is not enough.Body confidence report out now susie orbach speaks at the un commission on the status of women"Yes, we carry your size"Is this the death of the diet industry?Anybody in argentina:Seeking size law compliance victory for body campaigners face to face stop the spread life imitates art susie orbach launches the website endangered species international summit to challenge body beautiful culture brainwashed bodies ad men today are wrong on body size battling the beauty myth in argentina endangered species body uniformity?Don't do it, guys penelope's in vogue withReal women an invitation:Real women:The body image debate debenhams for diversity american apparel:Anti slave labour but proporn it's official:Boobs are back!Psychiatrists back plans for airbrush kitemarks 2010 a new perspective curves ahead for 2010 our favourite spread of 2009 befriend anybody on facebook women protest ralph lauren's ridiculous photoshop boycotting ralph lauren natural and beautiful makes a cover page debut!Anybody supports fat talk free week controversy over model being dropped for being"Too fat" Top German women's magazine Brigitte makes radical change to promoteReal women Canadian charter has been drafted to promote healthy and diverse models Fashion needs to grow up!A breakthrough in the magazine world?French politicians propose all airbrushed images carry health warning anybody thought this was cute.Body diversity comes to london fashion week mp suggests magazines and advertisers come clean about airbrushing fat celebrities a danger to our health?Come off it!30 years on and Fat is still a Feminist Issue Remembering Ruby Editor of UK Vogue takes a stand against designers and their toosmall sample size An event to interest AnyBodies.Why men can be ugly and talented and women only botoxed to behold marketing reaches a new alltime low reality on the runway a good role model?Defying the beauty myth a magazine finally breaking the barriers.A politician who says it like it is!Target on cosmetic surgery ads on london underground susie orbach in conversation about new book bodies this is how mad things have become.Susie orbach on bodies why reflect reality?Tackle child obesity:Teach mums to eat on the increase.And still the fashion world won't act anybody's official petition to bring body diversity to the catwalk danger of losing too much weight after giving birth will the fashion industry ever listen?A story of food madness and sanity from america. The startling and disturbing images are part of a campaign to raise awareness about the dangers of going on hunger strike.She's been on one since she was 12.The campaign, shot by oliviero toscani who has shocked the world before with his provocative campaigns for benetton, is supported by the fashion industry in italy and has been mounted to coincide with milan fashion week.The industry has become worried, and for good reason, that they are inadvertently promoting body hatred in girls and women. My colleagues are concerned that the toscani pictures will be aspirational.They are certainly correct that visual culture is reconstructing our relationship to the body.We can't but help look at ourselves from the outside to see whether our bodies sufficiently reflect an acceptable version of the 5, 000 digitally enhanced images that are beamed at us per week.This is particularly the case for girls and young women and my colleagues worry that girls, perhaps those who are already hooked into the proana sites will chase the elusive dream to fit in through acquiring a diminished body. If visual culture can invoke a feeling that we need to be thin, perhaps the pictures of isabelle caro will become glamorised in such a way that they invite us to mimic her.It's possible but i doubt it.I think we are not yet inured to the horror ralphlaurenoutlet they portray.We can still see them.It takes more than one or two images to change our visual landscape and i think they will become a rallying point for campaigners against the body hatred which eats into so many of our children's childhoods, adolescence and young adulthood. We need to address the problem visually because it has in large part created visually.Yes, eating problems start in the home, sometimes unwittingly passed on by mums and siblings who have body anxieties of their own which in turn owe much to the ubiquity of artdirected visual culture.Yes, anorexia and the starvation that goes with it have to be addressed emotionally and sometimes medically, but if we fail to challenge worship of just one body type, we will miss an important dimension to transform the problem. Bodies today are rarely where we live from.They become our production.Our personal statement about who we are.We work on cheap ralph lauren them.We spend a fortune on them.We decorate, transform and manipulate them.Cosmetic surgery is worth $14bn this year, and expected to increase by a $1bn for next.The number of girls and women(And increasingly men)Who suffer with severe eating and body difficulties, sometimes obvious like bulimia and obesity, sometimes hidden in bulimia or binge eating, is rising and reaching into earlier and earlier age groups. We do need to campaign.And at the visual level which is where this campaign is located.Shocking images are one way, pictures of women of different sizes, as in the dove campaign, and the deconstructing of the beauty industry through videos are others.We need the best our art directors can do to democratise our visual field so that all of our beauty and variety is included.Recently, nba jerseys advertising the position is strictly prohibited loose, will allow the union to sell the team next season sportswear chest ads.But today, the orlando magic.Orlando magic chief operating officer eric martins, local time wednesday, said the team will the players to a prejob training per week, the ads.Martins train service, advertising on the major sources of income group, while over time, cheap football jerseys are the most valuable in the game, also on the shirt will no longer be a dream, but do not make a decision.And our prices are the best in this industry, we welcome our customers to look around and compare our prices with local dealers and other online vendors.Shopping with us can save you a lot of money, and we offer great discounts on multiple item ralph lauren outlet sale purchase, you will save even more.How so sad that she died young and without recovering from this dreadful disease.I sincerely hope that isabelle caro initiavive in doing the bill board ad helped some women and girls see the harsh reality of this disease.I watched some videos of the interviews she did after that bill board picture, and couldn help but feel so sad.May her sould rest in peace.

Michelle obama wears ralph cheapralphlauren lauren cheapralphlauren to dinner in england photos Our first first lady and our president are beautiful people.Michelle have the correct jewelry on, she have a dinner ring on, why would she have two rings on, we would say this she's not wearing fake jewelry, since the president and michelle been in the white house they have been given about a million dollars or more worth of jewelry and other items(All these things was gifts, in which all presidents and the families are presented with gifts), now we don' know if they can use it while they are in the WH., we don't think so and they have to Pay Taxes, Saudia Arabia King, gave Michelle a 324, 000 dollars Ruby and diamonds Necklace and Earrings in 2009, the Presiden, the President and First lady can buy real Jewelry.The president posted all the gifts he and his family received in 2009, plus the ralph lauren outlet york security is right ralph lauren outlet there to take over the gifts and protect the president. Jawdroppingly gorgeous, as always. (As you know, he is referred to as 'phil the greek' among the less reverential, not in an antigreek manner, rather as in 'louie the fish', or 'paulie the mad axeman', and so on.He sure looks like he has enjoyably nefarious deeds on his mind in this pic.

Member profile funnygirl Why should you get to know funnygirl_222? I love the good things that life has to offer that don't necessarily cost a fortune moonlight cheapralphlaurenuk walks, swimming in the ocean and rivers, picnics, exploring new countryside, towns and cities both here and abroad.I also love the theatre and art galleries and listening to live music including rock, jazz, classical etc. I have 2 wonderful children who have both just graduated from univeristy. (See the photos of us all at christmas and a wedding).My son is coaching sport in oxford and my daughter is working for ralph lauren in london.I really miss them, but i really enjoy visiting them in 2 beautiful, vibrant cities. I am creative(I teach art and photography)And enjoy painting, photography, making jewellery and cooking.I would rather make someone a present than buy it not because i'm a cheapskate, but because i think it means so much more.I like being busy making things, socialising with lots of friends, going to the gym, weekends away but i'm also very happy to http://www.flashgallery.co.uk/uk-children-ralph-lauren-polos-outlet.html relax at home infront of the fire with a glass of red wine, reading, watching tv films or listening to music. My friends would describe me as outgoing, vivacious, witty, excellent company, spontaneous, romantic, sensitive, forthright and a game for a laugh. (I asked my friends for a list and that's what they came up with! ) I am lively and independent;Love to talk, but am a really good listener too;Love dressing up for an occasion, but also love donning wellies and going hiking.I want to embrace all that life has to offer and i'd love to do that with someone special. She describes her ideal match thus: My ideal man would be someone who makes me feel special.I would like to be romanced, but not showered with gifts.A thoughtful, meaningful gesture is much more important. (Lots of gifts are good too though, and wouldn't be sent back! ) I love music, travel, eating and chatting and would love to meet someone who also enjoys these things.I love a good laugh, so a sense of humour is a must. I really enjoy my life i have lots of friends, 2 great children, a challenging job and loads of hobbies;But i miss that special person.I would love to meet someone who can add something to my life.Someone who would take me on adventures, open my eyes to a wider world.Are you that person?A movie;AMusic concert;A picnic in a park;Attending a sporting event;Dinner at a restaurant;Going out dancing;Going to the theatre;Meeting ralph lauren outlet for coffee;Meeting for drinks;Going for a walkbritish;Chinese;French;Greek;Indian;Italian;Japanese;Seafood;Thai;Vegetarianblues;Classical;Gospel / religious;Instrumental;Jazz;Latin;Opera;Pop / top 40;R / soul;Rockbestsellers;Crime;Fiction;History;Mystery;Romance;Selfhelp;Travelcomedy/sitcoms;Documentaries;Dramas;Movie channels;Nature/wildlifeart films;Comedy;Cult classics;Drama;Independent;Mystery;RomanceCooking;Gardening;Healthy living;Knitting;Meditation;Music;Painting;Photography;Pottery;Reading;Sculpting;Sewing;Shopping;Singing;The arts;Voluntary workbadminton;Camping;Canoeing;Dance;Fishing;Golf;Hiking;Rugby;Scuba diving;Snorkeling;Squash;Surfing;Swimming;Tennis;Walking;White water rafting;Yoga

Megaproject stalled While councillor doug ford touts a mall ralph lauren mens hoodie sale for the port lands, no shovels have broken ground on a giant entertainmentshopping complex in his own ward, apparently because it having trouble attracting retailers. The woodbine live!Project at woodbine racetrack was trumpeted by mayor rob ford on the campaign trail last year as proof he can get the private sector behind a megaproject. Know how to deal with ceos of huge corporations that how i landed the largest development in toronto history, ford, then councillor for ward 2 etobicoke north, told a newspaper last fall.Live!I did that. Baltimorebased the cordish companies, partnering on the project with the race track operator, told the star in june 2010 that construction would start that fall, with the help of generous tax ralph lauren t shirts breaks from the city. An employment centre was to open with a poloralphlaurenuk citynegotiated mandate to give residents of jobstarved north etobicoke first crack at the promised 9, 000 permanent positions. Shortly before he was elected mayor and his brother, doug, elected to replace him as ward 2 councillor, rob ford said:Are excited it going to revitalize rexdale.Tourists will get off the plane and go to rexdale. But, the star has learned, no construction has started and no building permits have been sought.Rezonings for the project were granted four years ago. Cordish is now telling the city it hopes to break ground in early 2012.The company wouldn comment on the project wednesday.Its local partner, woodbine entertainment group, seemed to suggest the delay was related to cordish sorting out plan details with the city. A bit difficult to say at the moment when construction will start, said nick eaves, woodbine entertainment chief executive officer.Hard at it.Economy, adding he expected to see shovels in the ground by now. Had two projects that were significantly stalled by the recession of 20082009 and that was woodbine live!And mars phase 2, said williams, referring to the medical research complex at college st.And university ave.Was just announced that mars phase 2 will be restarted and i hopeful that woodbine live!Will be soon after. Observers say construction typically doesn start on retail projects until tenants are found for the space. One prospective tenant that got away is home improvement retailer lowe which last year opted to go to another north etobicoke site, with thencouncillor rob ford supporting a zoning change to allow it. A cityhired retail consultant reported at the time there is room in the area for only one home improvement big box. Cordish specializes in entertainmentretail developments, but has been looking at bringing in discount factory outlets for such names as ralph lauren and coach, said commercial real estate executive john crombie. The recessionary period, late and early the only retail sector to experience a rise in sales was the factory outlet mall, said crombie, senior managing director at cushman wakefield. Doug ford has touted a 1.6millionsquarefoot with highend department stores as a centrepiece for Toronto eastern waterfront, saying the city is by retail. And a joint venture of riocan real estate investment trust and tanger factory outlet centers is building a project at highway 401 and james snow parkway, he added.

Massive growth is always in fashion Don't miss:Food journalism award finalistsmost popular ca baby names'arrested development' tasting menuthc may help cure ptsdpsy imposter at cannes49ersraidersgiantsa'swarriorssharksquakesnflmlbnbanhlcollegeprepsgolfoutdoorsotheron tvticketsshopvideomoviesmusic nightlifeperformancearteventsbookstv radiohoroscopecomicsgamesthings to dohome gardenstyleoutdoorsski snowhealthgreenlgbthouzzdatingmomspetssponsored contentto say that michael kors has been an impressive growth story is an understatement.The company's growth has been nothing short of meteoric.In the current quarter, the company proved doubters wrong again reporting huge growth across the board.To me the only question left is, how long can this continue? All retailers are not created equal I've read many articles that put michael kors and other highend retailers in the same category as companies like the gap, kohl's, and other well established companies.The usual assumption is, michael kors can't keep growing at this pace, and when the slowdown ralph lauren outlet comes, investors will rue the day they bought the stock. There are two huge problems with this theory.First, michael kors can keep growing, as the vast majority of their sales are in north america.Second, this company isn't trying to win the same customers as the gap or sears. Let's face it, if a customer spends $250 or more on a wristwatch, they aren't worried about watching(Pardon the pun)Their pennies.Higherend retailers seek a more affluent customer that isn't as affected by the economy.Michael kors customers aren't coming to the company to buy one watch as a special item.Instead they are looking at multiple watches, a handbag, clothes, and other items.Paying $95 for a pair of shorts, or $145 for a shirt, is considered a normal expense and not outrageous. Growth like ralph lauren mens shirts i've never seen To suggest that michael kors can't keep growing just doesn't make sense.The company's.In the europe division, sales were up 112%, and this only represented 9% of revenues.The entire rest of the world, represented just 1% of revenue.With just 10% of sales internationally, any talk about slowing growth is very premature. When you consider that samestore sales in north america were up an astounding 41%, and european samestore sales jumped 58%, clearly the company has its finger on the pulse of highend fashion.In addition, michael kors is forecasting a jump to over $2 billion in sales for 2013, on the back of at least 20% samestore sales growth. No one can beat them, is a merger possible? When a company is growing this fast, i can't help but wonder if another company might try to buy them out to benefit from their future growth?There are several companies that michael kors either competes with, or licenses their items to. There is actually the potential for michael kors to be the acquirer.The company's over $11 billion market cap could allow them to acquire watch manufacturer fossil to vertically integrate their business.Fossil licenses the michael kors watch line, and has a $6.23 billion market cap, so a stock for stock deal would be possible. The challenge of course is, fossil is expected to grow earnings by a relatively pedestrian 16.6%.Compared to michael kors expected eps growth rate of over 32%, the combined company would have to realize significant cost synergies.Without merger savings, fossil's 21.61% operating margin would bring down Michael Kors' operating margin of 32.2%. On the flip side, companies like ralph lauren or pvh corp.Could see michael kors as an attractive way to significantly increase their growth rates. Pvh already licenses other michael kors lines.However, the company is sitting on $1.37 billion in net debt, so a debt financed deal would only add another challenge.Pvh's market cap of $8.33 billion would make a stock for stock merger problematic.However, it's hard to ignore that the michael kors' brand would go fairly well with the company's existing calvin klein and tommy hilfiger brands.If pvh management decided this was the right move, i'm sure the company would be willing to take on more debt financing to acquire this fast growing, high margin brand. Of michael kors' competitors, ralph lauren seems like the most natural fit.The company's market cap of $15.54 billion means they are large enough to do a stock for stock deal.If the company didn't want to do all stock, their $1.3 billion in net cash would certainly help.Ralph lauren already has a watch and accessories line of its own, and pulling michael kors into the fold would only broaden the company's appeal.With analysts calling for 13.67% EPS growth from Ralph Lauren, Michael Kors' 32% EPS growth would certainly increase this number. If an acquisition occurs, michael kors' stock would likely jump on the news, and investors would be excited.However, with huge growth and huge margins, maybe investors should hope that no other company comes poking around.With the stock trading for about 31 times 2013 projections, it doesn't seem that expensive considering the company's growth rate.If you look at analysts' projections for 2014, the p/e drops even further to about 23. For a company growing this fast, paying 30 times this year's earnings or 23 times next year's earnings, sounds (More Here) like a very good deal.Consider adding kors to your personalized watchlist to keep up with this dynamic company.

Martha stewart on buying rights to emeril lagasse franchise Neil cavuto, host:Bam.Shares of martha stewart living surging 70 percent.The company is snapping up most of the emeril lagasse empire for $45 million, plus $5 million in stock.Now, that deal includes tv shows, cookbooks, and kitchen products. Now, we should point out, the profits at martha stewart living more than doubling in the latest quarter, still shy of estimates.You know that wall street thing.Revenues were up 22 percent. Martha stewart, founder, martha stewart living omnimedia:Yes, it is so great to be here. Cavuto:Man, oh, man.You know, i was at a mall recently, not an experience i treasure, having nothing to do with how you have made this an iconic event for people.You are everywhere. Cavuto:You are everywhere.I mean i'm just wondering, i know you are at kmart.I know you are at macy's.And your brand is is iconic.Do you ever wonder whether you are too everywhere? Stewart:Well, does ralph lauren wonder if he's every too everywhere?I don't think so. I think i think, if you have beautiful product and excellent product and practical product and useful product that is wellmade, long lived, and relatively inexpensive, then you are not too much you are not too everywhere. And look at this stuff.This is showing. Cavuto:You always bring stuff with you.You always bring stuff. Stewart:I do.I do.It's showandtell time. Cavuto:You are such a good marketer. Stewart:But these beautiful embroidered trousseau linens, one of our best sellers at our new martha stewart collection at macy's, gorgeous. Cavuto:How ralph lauren shirts much would that go for? Stewart:Well, the pillowcase itself is let me see if it says the price on it here $85. Stewart:It is so beautiful.Go up madison avenue, it will be three or four times that. Beautiful wedgwood.Our line is now number one on the macy's wedding registry.And i am very, very pleased about that, because the colors surprising, robin's egg blue borders, a beautiful green border. These are iconic martha stewart kinds of things. Cavuto:And you give the final approval cheap ralph lauren shirts with this stuff, right? Cavuto:If it doesn't pass muster with you, it's not getting out there? Stewart:Well, what i like to say all the time to my wonderful design team and wonderful creative people is, do you want it?And if the answer is no, then pretty much we hope it won't get in the line. Cavuto:All right.But most people are not as finicky as you, right? Cavuto:So, if it passes a (More Here) test with you, i guess. Stewart:Well, you have to be finicky. Stewart:And you have to really care about what you are putting out there for people to eat, to drink, to sleep on, to cook with.And that is why the emeril thing today.

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1 year checkup christiinchaussuressoldes Your toddler nowfirst steps now later many children take their first steps sometime between 9 and 12 months and are walking well by the time they're 14 or 15 months old.But don't worry if your child hasn't let go of the coffee table yet.It's also perfectly normal for kids not to take that first step until they're 15 or 16 months, or even later. (Learn more about when kids walk. ) Encourage both cruising and walking by giving your child lots of opportunities to christian louboutin chaussures soldes move without help and by not picking him up and carrying him too often.You can encourage a tentative walker by arranging furniture so there are safe and convenient handholds all along his path.Remove any dangers he might grab on to, such as a dangling tablecloth or electrical cord. If your child is trying to toddle, he might feel more secure if he can hang on to one of your fingers, or if he puts his hands in the air and you walk behind him, holding his hands.A push toy provides walking practice, too.Just make sure it's stable and has a wide, secure base. Two walking aids you don't need:Walkers(The american academy of pediatrics says they're unsafe and actually discourage kids from learning to walk)And shoes in the house.Bare feet, socks, or the popular soft bottomed"Baby shoes"Help a beginning walker practice balance and coordination.Reserve real shoes for protecting your toddlers' feet outdoors. Quick clicks Toddler milestone:Walking toys for children 12 to 18 months old tooth care for children coping with a whiny baby does the mmr vaccine put my child at greater risk for autism? Checkup checklist you can prepare for your child's 12 month checkup by anticipating some of christian louboutin pompes 150mm noire plates-formes the questions the doctor is likely to ask, such as these: Sleep:How much is your child sleeping at night and during naps?Eating: What kinds of solid food is your childEating?How's his appetite?Does he enjoy feeding himself finger foods?Teeth: How manyTeeth has your child cut?Developmental skills:Is your child crawling well?Pulling up?Cruising or walking?Pointing?Making eye contact and responding to his name?Vision:Have you noticed frequent squinting or eye rubbing, or a tendency to hold toys and books close to his face? (Read about other signs of aVision problem. )Hearing:Does your child turn toward sounds? (Learn other signs of a hearing problem. )Speech:Does your child imitate sounds, babble, or say any words?Parent tip"We have a bunch of friends with babies ranging in age from newborn to 2 years old, so we share a box of clothes.People can sift through it and pick out whatever they need.Whoever has the youngest baby holds on to the box until another one is born. "Vanessa This internet site provides information of a general nature and is designed for educational purposes only.If you have any concerns about your own health or the health of your child, you should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional.Please review the terms of use before using this site.Your use of the site indicates your agreement to be bound by the terms of use.


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Who's got style Kim kardashian was spotted wearing this altuzarra spring 2011 rtw shell asymmetric dress when she attended the st.Bernard project the spears family presents an evening of"Southern style. "She paired her dress with a pair of gucci suede and glossedpython sandals and a black jimmy choo"Candy"Clutch.Erin heatherton was recently spotted wearing this altuzarra spring 2011 rtw shell asymmetric dress when she attended the 2011 mtv movie awards. Erin paired her dress with a pair of Sergio Rossi Acapulco Sandals and carried a beigeClutch.I think both ladies looked nice in the dress but i like the fact that kim did not play it safe with her shoe choice.Bernard project the spears family presents an evening ofStyle She paired her Indian Jade colored suede sandals with an Altuzarra Spring 2011 RTW Shell Asymmetrical Dress with an asymmetric hem, with snake and tonal fabric cut out detail.She carried a black jimmy choo"Candy"Clutch.Kim was spotted wearing these gucci indian jade colored suede sandals again this week while promoting her fragrance at debenhams in london.She paired her sandals with this hot gucci spring 2011 purple knotted cross top and coral skirt color block dress.Kim finished the look with a gold tasseled python belt which is also designed by gucci.My pick is the colorblock dress because of the bold color coordination and non the less kimmy looks fab in the dress.Vote whether you think kim has style pairing her gucci indian jade colored suede sandals with the altuzarra spring 2011 rtw shell asymmetrical dress, the gucci spring 2011 colorblock dress.Vote below. Nicki minaj recently appeared on george lopez rocking a black pair of christian louboutin misfit suede and leather sandals with a christopher kane"Bluebell"Dress and lime green stockings.Kim kardashian was spotted in la rocking a grey pair of christian louboutin misfit suede and leather sandals with a sleeveless blue top, a grey jacket and a pair of james icon sedgwick cargo pants.Kim accessorized with a necklace and a christian louboutin kathena leopardprint clutch.Love you nicki but my vote goes to kim kardashian who went for a more classier and put together look.I would have picked both ladies but i can cosign nicki louboutinoutletuk wig and stockings. Ciara was spotted rocking these brian atwood swede army boots when she was out and about in manhattan earlier this month.She paired her boots with a neiman marcus line striped open cardigan, http://www.toryumon.co.uk/uk-christian-louboutin-pumps-2014.html a martin margiela raccoon and goat scarf over her shoulders and a pair of blue jeans.Ci ci also toted a hermes bag.Nicki minaj was spotted rocking her brian atwood swede army boots recently at power 99 fm powerhouse concert.She paired it with a pair if black pants, a black cami with her bra peeping through the top and a cropped leather jacket with jewel encrusted exaggerated shoulders.Nicki accessorized with a large statement necklace and five finger diamond ring. I am going to give this one cheap louboutin shoes to ciara because it seemed to me as if nicki was trying to hard with this outfit.Both ladies wore brian atwood swede army boots but the question is. "Who got style? "Vote below.

Life jacket laws north face jackets for kids in maryland weddingesonline amyangelia Summer months means a lot of boating in maryland waters.From fishing to water skiing, it all fun.You have to think about the serious parts as well though.Life jackets(Pfd Personal flotation devices)Are not only a smart thing to put aboard your boat, it is required by law to have them.Coastguard approved type iv pfd(Personal flotation device).It can be a ring buoy or seat cushion.This is for all recreational boats.Also note that you must have north face denali one wearable pfd(Personal flotation device life jacket)For each person that is aboard your vessel.Those devices can only be in addition to the ring buoy or seat cushion.If you are towing someone, you must be aware that anyone in that boat is considered to be aboard your boat.Each of those people must also have their own wearable life jacket.If you are caught without the proper devices, you can land yourself in big trouble.Those who are on pwc(Personal watercraft)Must have a life jacket on while in motion.It is important to note that you cannot simply have the device with you.It must be worn by the person who occupies the vehicle.This includes watercraft such as power jets.Avoid inflatable life jackets.They are not recommended at all for children and are not cheap north cheap wedding party dresses australia face jackets very effective for water skiing or power jets.The personal flotation device you choose should be one that does not rely on air to keep you afloat in case of an accident.Any children who are age seven and under is required to wear the life vest.It may not be removed at any time according to maryland law.That is for any boat the is twenty one feet or lower in length.The only time it is acceptable for the life jacket to be removed is if the child is below deck or in a cabin which is closed in.Maryland is very strict with the life jacket laws.There is a very good reason for this.If something happens, you should be prepared.Drowning can occur quite quickly.Pfd save lives everyday.If you don have the flotation devices that are required by law while boating in the state of maryland, you open yourself up to major problems with enforcement officials.Boating accidents occur on a regular basis north face jackets for kids.It isn worth the cost if you don have what you need to survive.


Formula for failure A bacterium that has been known to cause rare, yet fatal infections in infants appears to be more widespread than scientists have realized. Enterobacter sakazakii has been implicated in only 60 reported cases of severe infection worldwide, mostly in premature babies and infants with immune systems weakened by illness.The result can be meningitis, an inflammation of the nervous system, or septicemia, bacterial poisoning of the blood mortality rates as high as 80 percent.In lessvulnerable babies, infections don't seem to cause harm. Studies have found the bacterium in sausage, spoiled tofu, minced beef, cheese, and vegetables.Other research has suggested, however, that infant formulas made from powdered milk were the source of e.Sakazakii in at least four small outbreaks.Scientists say the formula could have gotten contaminated either during factory production or when babies' caregivers prepared bottles for feedings.Indeed, studies have shown that e.Sakazakii can survive in blenders used to mix baby formula in hospitals, and that the bacteria were present in about 20 of 141 cans of dry infant formula tested in 35 different countries. Martine w.Reij, a food microbiologist at wageningen university in the netherlands, and her colleagues have been trying to learn where e.Sakazakii enters formula on its way from a production line to a baby's bottle.The bacteria are known to tolerate extremely dry conditions, and that describes most formulaproduction sites, reij says. The researchers decided to look for e.Sakazakii in nine food factories and 16 households in europe.After collecting multiple samples of floor sweepings and vacuum cleaner contents at the factories and vacuum cleaner bags from the households, the researchers put 10 grams of each dust sample michael kors handbags in growth media that would indicate e.Sakazakii's presence. The investigators found the bacterium in all four powderedmilk factoriesExamined, as well as plants making primarily chocolate, cereal, potato flour, and pasta.E.Sakazakii was found in 9 percent up to 44 percent of the samples fromEach of these sites. Five of the 16 households also hadE.Sakazakii.The only food factory where the bacteria were not present ichaeloronlinehop was a spice factory. "We found it almostEverywhere, "Says reij.The report appears in the jan.3 Lancet. Reij points out that her group's study found that e.Sakazakii is widespread but didn't confirm that the bacterium got into commercial baby formula. "We don't know whether it reaches the product and whether it'll grow to dangerous concentrations,"Reij explains. In a commentary accompanying the new report, jeffrey m.Farber, director of the bureau of microbial hazards for the food directorate of health canada, says e.Sakazakii deserves more study: "Although e.Sakazakii does not appear to be as important a pathogen as others that have emerged in the past, the fact that the disease it causes has a very high mortality rate and that the organism affects very young infants is a cause for concern. "

Halle ralph lauren mens shirts berry happy with her vogue cover New york she's got an oscar, but halle berry says that being on the cover of the allimportant september issue of a fashion magazine is another big honor. Berry is on the cover of this month's vogue and she turned out friday night at fashion's night out at the ralph lauren store on madison avenue to sign copies for fans.She also posed for photographers with david lauren and vogue editorinchief anna wintour, the architect of this nownational shopping event. On this night, berry wore a black jacket and beaded, sheer top by lauren skinny black pants were by rag bone.She also wore a lauren gown at her cover shoot. "I don't get to pick anything(For photo shoots).I think anna does,"She said. "I tried on lots of different things, and if you're not ralph lauren shirts comfortable, you can't present your best self, so everyone made sure i was comfortable in what i was wearing. " She did have the benefit of seeing the issue early, several days before it hit stands and she home was happy with it. Her fans must have been happy, too:Scores of them lined up for her autograph. Wintour's advice to berry was to use a sharpie marker. "It's the only thing that works,"Said wintour.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. 8 Ways to Give Your Child a Safer DietMedway doctor allegedly wrote bogus prescriptions, shared the drugs with woman Target Launches New Bridal CollectionFor Philadelphia bicyclist, a cat is his copilotObscure University of New Hampshire math professor takes major step toward elusive proofPublic invited on comment to eliminate cash tolling on Tobin Bridge;Officials say electronic tolling will reduce congestion, save funds free things to do around boston

 Halle ralph lauren mens shirts berry happy with her vogue cover New york she's got an oscar, but halle berry says that being on the cover of the allimportant september issue of a fashion magazine is another big honor. Berry is on the cover of this month's vogue and she turned out friday night at fashion's night out at the ralph lauren store on madison avenue to sign copies for fans.She also posed for photographers with david lauren and vogue editorinchief anna wintour, the architect of this nownational shopping event. On this night, berry wore a black jacket and beaded, sheer top by lauren skinny black pants were by rag bone.She also wore a lauren gown at her cover shoot. "I don't get to pick anything(For photo shoots).I think anna does,"She said. "I tried on lots of different things, and if you're not ralph lauren shirts comfortable, you can't present your best self, so everyone made sure i was comfortable in what i was wearing. " She did have the benefit of seeing the issue early, several days before it hit stands and she home was happy with it. Her fans must have been happy, too:Scores of them lined up for her autograph. Wintour's advice to berry was to use a sharpie marker. "It's the only thing that works,"Said wintour.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. 8 Ways to Give Your Child a Safer DietMedway doctor allegedly wrote bogus prescriptions, shared the drugs with woman Target Launches New Bridal CollectionFor Philadelphia bicyclist, a cat is his copilotObscure University of New Hampshire math professor takes major step toward elusive proofPublic invited on comment to eliminate cash tolling on Tobin Bridge;Officials say electronic tolling will reduce congestion, save funds free things to do around boston


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Leopard print cheap wedding dresses online shoes If you want something truly unique and eye catching, there are always leopard cheap wedding party dresses online print shoes available.They are definitely one of the more interesting patterns especially on women's shoes.While they have recently become trendy, they have been around for much longer than you think. The popularity of this particular design of shoe has been largely dependent on the current style, but it is fast becoming an essential item in a woman's fashion collection.Today it is a bonefide masterpiece of fashion because of its continuing style and class.In these shoes, a lady can unveil her outrageous nature while at the same time maintaining her elegance and class. For example, leopard print shoes first came on the fashion scene in the fifties.In that era, the fashion trend included full skirts and tight pants and these were a perfect match with leopard print shoes.As often happens with fashion trends, it is common to look into the past for ideas, and this is probably why animal prints are gradually becoming popular once again.The italians, dolce gabbana, are internationally recognized for bringing not just leopard prints but a whole range of animal print items into the public eye.You could find these prints on everything including coats, skirts and shoes. Although these animal prints were once thought of as tasteless, their popularity is slowly rising in the fashion world.Nevertheless, there are certainly diverging opinions concerning animal prints as many women simply dislike wearing them.Therefore, leopard print shoes are making a big comeback in the world of fashion.This is an exciting time for fashion conscious women as in these modern times there are no fixed rules that must be followed.The important thing is to be distinct and so you are free to wear whatever you're comfortable in. As such, many women are reverting once again to the designs of the fifties, such as leopard print shoes and other apparel, that are smart and contemporary.Women are faced with a wide selection of leopard print shoes in various designs and versions.Some of the classic styles available include the stacked heel pump which is three inches high and comes with a round or pointed front.However, there are so many other designs of shoes as well that make use of leopard or animal prints.As a result, women seeking the right shoes for their outfit are faced with a wide selection of choices.Boots are normally worn with boot cut jeans or tight slacks, while full or pencilstyle kneelength skirts look better with pumps or stilettos. Casual wear such as khaki pants, bermuda shorts or a starched white linen dress should be accompanied by a pair of flats.Leopard print shoes are so flexible in their design that they can be matched with bags of practically any color or style.Having said that, they do particularly well with shades on the dark side.Avoid the temptation to combine various animal prints in one outfit as this is much too loud.Getting it to work with your outfit definitely takes some imagination. weddingesonlinesale

Flood in downtown montreal as water main breaks Montreal a river raged through a section of downtown montreal as a water main break monday flooded a section of the city core. The water barrelled down the slope of mount royal, with some people struggling to avoid being swept away by the mighty current. The flood began spreading near mcgill university just before rush hour, prompting traffic jams as police rerouted cars and people struggled to escape the area. Some people wrapped themselves in garbage bags to protect their lower body from the icecold water as they crossed submerged streets. At one intersection, where the flooded area was narrow, people moved a sidewalk bench and used it as a bridge to get to the middle of the street. Philippe whitford, a 38yearold program analyst, gave new meaning to the term doublebagging:He wrapped himself in two layers of green plastic bags and made his way through the kneedeep water outside his building. While he felt cold the temperature was 9 c he was grateful that he managed to stay dry. His concerns quickly shifted to tuesday morning.As the break was contained by midevening, and the water was largely cleared away, an michael kors online uk emerging problem was ice buildup. With a slippery film quickly forming across the area, parts of stecatherine street risk being temporarily transformed into michael kors handbags outlet an urban skating rink. "It's going to be a mess when this all freezes,"Whitford, who works for a finance company, said of tuesday's commute. The streets thickened with ice as firemen stabbed at drain openings with pike poles to get the water to go in.There were also large road graders pushing the water around trying to get it to disperse. City officials said the flood was caused by a 90centimetre water main that broke at a construction site near downtown, and said they were working to fix the problem. Police rerouted traffic because the cascade of water made the area extremely slippery as it turned to ice.Parts of two of montreal's main eastwest ichaelorhandagotlet arteries were closed to traffic renelevesque boulevard and sherbrooke street. Staff at mcgill university were warned that several of the university's buildings were flooded and evening classes were cancelled. Water also trickled into a number of commercial establishments on stecatherine street. City officials said the incident had not affected the quality of drinking water. Mayor michael applebaum went to survey the cleanup operation. He said the damage occurred mostly below street level. A steady stream of water poured into underground parking garages, and applebaum said water had to be pumped out of the place ville marie, a major office complex. "The damage is mostly damage where we have basements where there's underground parking lots,"He said as he stood near a waterlogged intersection, as firefighters cleared clogged sewers and frontend loaders scooped up water. One man who was rushing to catch a bus said he saw the cascading water push people along as they waded through. Another man, faz khan, said he watched the spectacle from his office window. "Mctavish(Street)Was completely flooded and nobody could cross past sherbrooke,"Khan said. "People had water up to their knees at one point.It was pretty bad. "

From bronx ties to luxury kidswear Only the fashion obsessed would know that ralph lauren was born ralph rueben lifshitz in the southern new york city borough of the bronx in 1939 to ashkenazi jewish immigrant parents. Ralph lauren began his career in the world of fashion selling ties to his fellow students in elementary school.Upon his completion of his schooling, he took a job as a tie salesman in the preppy emporium, brooks brothers. He launched his empire in 1967, by opening a tie shop in which he sold his own self designed ties under the name 'polo'.A year later, he launched a full menswear collection, and a few years after that introduced cheap ralph lauren the ralph lauren polo that we all know so well. His brand quickly grew, cheap ralph lauren shirts expanding into womenswear, shoes accessories, homeware products, fragrances, cosmetics, and most recently kid's clothing and baby clothing. The ability for such rapid growth from the ralph lauren brand can be credited to ralph's personal commitment to redefining american style with quality products, and the dream lifestyle that goes with it. The ralph lauren brand and vision emanates the all american dream that drove him to success in the first place;An image of status, luxury and fun that Click to enter website includes colourful sportswear and casual wear with a chic yet preppy twist. Ralph lauren's success can be attributed to many things, but one main reason is the timelessness of ralph lauren clothing.Since its inception in the 60s, the ralph lauren polo has never been out of style.With each generation, the polo has been reinvented and revived to align with the trends of each age group.Today, this reinvention starts at an even earlier age, with ralph lauren's kids and baby clothing, ralph lauren polo wearing begins at birth. The classic and casual style ralph lauren has become known for transcends into his kids clothing and baby clothing lines.Ralph lauren kids and baby designer clothing transforms the world's babies, boys and girls into little ladies and dapper gentleman, dressed for any occasion. Just like the brands other grown up clothing offerings, ralph lauren kids and ralph lauren babies has it all, including everything from everyday wear and sportswear to special occasion wear, swimwear, accessories, hats, shoes, bags and jewellery.

Shoe mogul christian louboutin says barbie escarpins louboutin noir vernis fat for his shoes BarbieinspiredMac collection ad christian louboutin chaussures functions the face of barbie.Photo:Mac In a recent write-Up, we bragged about barbie's fitness adaptations through the years, struggling to remain on top of fitness trends and keeping up the standard of getting the 1 promoting doll for american girls. Today, although, barbie took one more blow(Most likely the worst of them all)When the doll received criticism from everfamous shoe designer christian louboutin, saying her ankels had been"Too fat"For his coveted kicks. While barbie does her most effective to look terrific in her age, she will now need to shift her fitness concentrate to obtaining her"Cankles"In shape. Wwd reported that louboutin set out to release 3 dolls donning his legendary redsoled shoes and barbie didn't make the reduce. The dolls, christianinsoldes that are set to include a tiny louboutin box are distinguished by their slightly, slimmer ankles unlike barbie and her"Fat"Ones. Christian louboutin and set off the wonderful qualities of pandora jewelry, you've got a heart for any man's temperament.

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Legacy of the hms orpheus Orpheus beaumont was named after new zealand's worst shipwreck.When she was born, her mother was grieving for orpheus' teenage brother presumed drowned in the disaster.Later it was orpheus' turn to mourn when another brother was taken by the sea off the otago coast. The daughter of a sea captain and then married to one, orpheus was sensitive to the threat that the ocean posed to human life. "It was a sense of, 'i'm going to beat the sea' it was her chance to help in the struggle against the sea,"Explained her greatgranddaughter, caroline fitzgerald, of dunedin. On february 7, ms fitzgerald will join other descendants of the crew of hms orpheus in auckland for a commemoration of the vessel's loss on the manukau harbour bar, on february 7, 1863. When orpheus wed a mariner, she cheapweddingpartyes went on voyages to tropical islands where she saw the amazing flotation qualities of a waxy fluff harvested from the seed pod of the kapok tree. Two tragic events in 1912 turned this knowledge into fuel for an inventive mind and a compulsion to save lives. That year, her fisherman brother william drowned out of port chalmers. On april 15, the world was shocked by the sinking of the liner rms titanic after it hit an iceberg on a transatlantic voyage to new york, and the death toll of more than 1500 people out of 2224 passengers and crew. Since the mid19th century, cork was the buoyant material favoured for use in life jackets. But in the wake of the titanic disaster and inquiry, a call went out for improved life saving aids. Ms fitzgerald said orpheus found an answer to the hard cork ramming into the neck when someone jumped off a ship. She invented a bolerostyle jacket made out of linen canvas, which was advertised as"Fool proof". It could be worn by an adult, woman or a child and, if put on in a panic, could be worn back to front or upside down and still do its job. The secret of its buoyancy was sealed chambers, stuffed with kapok able to float 15 times its weight. There was much correspondence between orpheus in cheap prom dresses australia dunedin and the british board of trade representatives in australia. But she would not be knocked back.For every fault the experts found with the prototype, she willingly improved it. Her first order was 30, 000 for the military sea transport at home.The jacket was also supplied to english ferries, the union steam ship co fleet and the new zealand interisland ferries. It was used worldwide but during world war ii it was superseded by other inventors' versions, such as the yellow inflatable"Mae west"Jackets, and those made of synthetic materials and modified to give support for the head. Orpheus died in 1951, aged 85, leaving a daughter, constance, and a son llewellyn.He served in the army during world war i and despite injury helped his mother by being the model for the instructions for wearing the salvus. Ms fitzgerald, aged 48, edited two books of letters by another set of her greatgrandparents, who were missionaries:Te wiremu henry williams, early years in the north;And letters from the bay of islands:The story of marianne williams. She said her research on orpheus beaumont led her to otago university to do her second masters degree.It is in science communication, with natural history documentary film making. In a joint project with fellow student fiona grundmann, a 25minute film called the drowning season, has the orpheus disaster setting the scene for 150 years of lives lost but for want of a flotation aid.

First responders prepare for safe bowlegs festival Fort walton beach thousands of spectators on land and sea will descend on the 58th billy bowlegs pirate festival this week, and law michael kors discount uk officers from several agencies will be on hand to make sure everything runs as smoothly as possible. The greater fort walton beach chamber of commerce hosted its annual water safety press conference tuesday to discuss some new measures ahead of the festival scheduled from thursday through saturday.Law officers from the fort walton beach, the florida fish and wildlife conservation commission, bureau of alcohol, tobacco, firearms and explosives and sheriff's deputies from okaloosa, walton and escambia counties will be on patrol during the event. Last year, officers responded to about 130 medical calls, 15 to 20 boating under the influence calls and several incidents of resisting arrest.Lt.Philip glover with the fwc said more than 99 percent of the calls were alcohol related. "I want to make sure people know that a bui is the same thing as a dui onshore,"Glover said. "If they're caught under the influence of alcohol, they will go to jail and they will take the ride.We want to make sure everybody is having a good time, but at the same time that they understand alcohol will get them in the same bind on a boat as it does in a vehicle. "It's not illegal to have an open container on a vessel like it is in a vehicle, but it is illegal to be impaired by alcohol or drugs and operate a vessel,"He added. In past years, fort walton landing has been completely open during the fireworks shows on fridays and the pirate landings on saturdays.This time, the chamber is fencing in the landing, and there will be only three entrances and exits to allow for better security. Coolers once again will not be allowed at bowlegs events, and this year officers will also focus attention on ichaeloronlineale making sure people do not leave any bags or other items unattended. Fort walton beach police sgt.Bill royal said unattended items will be dealt with immediately.If someone notices a backpack or other item unattended, they are encouraged to tell an officer or someone at the chamber's information booth at the landing. The focus on unattended items is partially in response to the april 15 boston marathon bombings, in which pressure cooker bombs hidden in backpacks were detonated near the race's finish line. "Our threat assessment in this area is low.However, when somebody wants to make a point, events such as this tend to attract some type of attention,"Royal said. "When something like boston happens, it's something to cause a great alarm and everybody feeling insecure.We want everybody to be aware of where they're leaving things and if they don't have someone to watch it, they need to understand it may be gone when they get back. " Fort walton beach thousands of spectators on land and sea will descend on the 58th billy bowlegs pirate festival this week, and law officers from several agencies will be on hand to make sure everything runs as smoothly as possible. The greater fort walton beach chamber of commerce hosted its annual water safety press conference tuesday to discuss some new measures ahead of the festival scheduled from thursday through saturday.Law officers from the fort walton beach, the florida fish and wildlife conservation commission, bureau of alcohol, tobacco, firearms and explosives and sheriff's deputies from okaloosa, walton and escambia counties will be on patrol during the event. Last year, officers responded to about 130 medical calls, 15 to 20 boating under the influence calls and several incidents of resisting arrest.Lt.Philip glover with the fwc said more than 99 percent of the calls were alcohol related. "I want to make sure people know that a bui is the same thing as a dui onshore,"Glover said. "If they're caught under the influence of alcohol, they will go to jail and they will take the ride.We want to make sure everybody is having a good time, but at the same time that they understand alcohol will get them in the same bind on a boat as it does in a vehicle. "It's not illegal to have an open container on a vessel like it is in a vehicle, but it is illegal to be impaired by alcohol or drugs and operate a vessel,"He added. In past years, fort walton landing has been completely open during the fireworks shows on fridays and the pirate landings on saturdays.This time, the chamber is fencing in the landing, and there will be only three entrances and exits to allow for better security. Coolers once again will not be allowed at bowlegs events, and this year officers will also focus attention on making sure people do not leave any bags or other items unattended. Fort walton beach police sgt.Bill royal said unattended items will be dealt with immediately.If someone notices a backpack or other item unattended, they are encouraged to tell an officer or someone at the chamber's information booth at the landing. The focus on unattended items is partially in response to the april 15 boston marathon bombings, in which pressure cooker bombs hidden in backpacks were detonated near the race's finish line. "Our threat assessment in this area is low.However, when somebody wants to make a point, events such as this tend to attract some type of attention,"Royal said. "When something like boston happens, it's something to cause a great alarm and everybody feeling insecure.We want everybody to be aware of where they're leaving things and if they don't have someone to watch it, they need to understand it may be gone when they get back. "

Flattering figures rise from the hip pocket Upmarket retailer orotongroup will continue to look for growth from the lucrative yet volatile premium youth market after a strong performance by hip label marcs helped the company yesterday post a 30 per cent increase in net profit for 200203. Marcs, acquired by orotongroup for $22.2 million last November, met internal expectations in contributing a net profit of almost $800, 000 to the company's record net profit of $8.35 million for the 53 weeks to August 2, 2003. The group's profit on revenue of $120.3 million, up 37.7 per cent was received ecstatically by investors, who drove OrotonGroup shares 75 higher, or 13.5 per cent, to $6.30. Directors yesterday recommended a fully franked dividend of 13 a share, payable on december 4. They also announced the company would undertake a 1for1 split of its shares, subject to shareholder approval, to improve the liquidity of orotongroup shares. Managing director ross lane said the company, which also owns the oroton and morrissey brands and acts as the sole australasian licensee for polo ralph lauren, expected strong earnings and capital growth in the coming year. "Earnings growth will be driven by brand extension, new brands like(Youth retailer)Dr poloralphlaurenuk denim and(Niche crossbrand retailer)Aspect, and growth in the existing brands,"He said. Mr lane said marcs would be the focus of the company's brand extension strategy, with orotongroup set to launch a children's line, minimarcs, before christmas and a youthoriented men's wear label, scram, early next year. The group operates 79 stores across australasia and plans discount ralph lauren polo to open 10 more in 200304. Yesterday's strong results were achieved despite falling margins and comparablestore growth of just 3.5 per cent in 200203. "We would've liked a little bit more,"Mr lane said. "It comes down to our ability ralph lauren polo to deliver the brands' proposition that is, the product at the right time at the right price in the right environment. " He said the company would look to improve its designs, understanding of retail trends, inventory planning and pricing.It would also seek to improve its infrastructure, in an attempt to consolidate costs and improve its supply chain management.


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Christian chritianlouboutinoutlet louboutin louboutin outlet uk upper class shoes Christian louboutin is a european shoe creator who launched his line of high end women's shoes 18 years aGo.He began utilizing his name mark of shiny, red-Lacquered soles into his models in following year.Shoppers can wholesale louboutin's shoes at boutiques throughout the world, meanwhile from online stores and shops;Wholesale christian louboutin shoes are also proper in some fields.United states' boutiques are found in new york, los angeles, las vegas, and orange county, with another plans for the designdistrict in miami.Shops are also located in hong kong, london, australia(Melbourne, brisbane, and sydney), Sao Paulo, Brazil, and Singapore.Christian louboutin's course of high end shoes was motivated by the costumed dancers he saw perform in different parisian parties.He hoped to produce the final high heel that would decorate women's bodies by showcasing their legs and making them emerge asap.Louboutin wishes that his shoes will make women to consider themselves like movie stars.His pieces blend in stiletto heels with heights of 4.72 inches(120 mm)And higher.Louboutin's risque plans are made to break routine and make his customers feel faithful and empowered.Christian louboutin shoes are best known for being dressy and suitable for evening Gown.His shoe products incorporates bows, feathers, patent leather, bejeweled straps, chiffon, pony hair, satin, suede, diamonds, and other decorative touches.His line of shoes has led the luxury institute's luxury brand status index(Lbsi)For the past 3 years, being declared the most prestigious women's shoes in 2007, 2008, and 2009.Christian louboutin's product of shoes includes such styles as the ariella talon, catwoman, jaws, lady claude, merry-Go-Round, palace zeppa, pour monsieur, and very prive.Louboutin's shoes are welcomed in famous persons and debutantes, among them nicole kidman, christina aguilera, tina turner, catherine deneuve, cameron diaz, janet jackson, jennifer lopez, sarah jessica parker, elizabeth taylor, and at least two princesses(Princess caroline of monaco and princess marie chantal of greece).Louboutin maintains an indorsement agreement with patti labelle, who is contracted to wear his line of shoes during her concerts and on red carpet emersion.Angelina jolie has sported louboutin's designs in a few of red carpet emersion, as well as in her movie 'wanted.' Oprah Winfrey featured a perform on Louboutin's production, naming his shoes"Pieces of art. "Louboutin has even been christian louboutin evening shoes immortalized in music;Jay-Z's"I know"Includes the following lyrics: "I am so dope, like louboutin's with the red bottoms, you gotta have 'em, you glad you got 'em. "Christian louboutin's line of shoes is noteworthy and memorable, great for the celebrity or everyday person who considers to get across a presentation and be admired.



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